They should work across all Magix products, including Samplitude, MusicStudio and the video editors. They don't work in anything but the newer versions of MMM. Worse, Magix has a proprietary format for soundpool loops now, with the extension. Note that the new instruments that I added with this version (I added 3 out of the 8) do not work in Samplitude Pro X3, whereas before, any instruments that were installed, worked. I don't have all of the instruments that were working in the previous version (2017 Premium) and that had been installed with MusicMaker over the years, plus the two instruments that I purchased separately previously. We should each point this out to Magix in a ticket.

You are right, the list of instruments available to purchase is not the same in the English as in the German version. This is separate from the other full instruments that you either received with the program or can buy. I had almost all, so I have a few choices left over, hoping that Magix will come up with a few more new instruments you know, if you select Vita from the list (clicking on the + at the left of the track) you get another list of instruments within Vita. So, first make sure that you have all of the legacy instruments, the 3 new ones, then select additional instruments under the Instruments tab (under Expand your collection) until you have used up your 8 choices. If not, you can Activate the prior version within this new version (see under Help for Activate) and it will install whatever instruments came with it. If you have older versions of MMM with instruments, these should also be shown automatically. You should already have, by default, Concert Grand LE, Vita 2 (with many instruments inside of it) and Revolta 2, assuming that you completed the installation.

Scroll down and you will see "Expand your collection," followed by all of the instruments that you don't have. The instruments, all of the ones that are in your link, are either in the program or available for purchase (or free download) under the Instruments tab.